Wave goodbye to lost travel cards and tangled earphones, say hello to our clever Knomad Organiser. Compact and fully opening, with pockets and compartments for everything you might need.
Burgundy Knomo Derby Rfid Bags | UKJBT94150
Red Knomo Clifford Rfid Bags | BUKSO33338
Black Knomo Cologne Rfid Bags | XUKGW78872
Navy Knomo Beauchamp Rfid Bags | UKQCS10164
Burgundy Knomo Mayfair Luxe Organiser - 10.5" Rfid Bags | UKJZR20723
Grey Knomo Clifford Rfid Bags | UKIIZ67172
Navy Knomo Hanover Rfid Bags | DUKKV44725
Blue Knomo Rex Rfid Bags | MUKFT52255